Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pokemon Heart Gold Event Roms

Milan: Stop 2 Kindergarten Teachers, Abused Children 15

(ASCA) - Roma, 19 March -''Serious maltreatment in place against children entrusted.'' With this indictment were arrested two teachers of a private nursery in Casarile, between the provinces of Pavia and Milan. A report today also the story the newspapers''The Republic''and''Corriere della Sera.'' At the center of the allegations, the harassment of fifteen children. The whole party would be the complaint of a former teacher who said the violence in a couple of parents. Taken the complaint to the police Binasco, in a few weeks investigators have found more 'for an answer. According to reports in newspapers, in the files of Attorney Pavia, there would be eavesdropping and video. And just for the images of video director and owner of the private nest''First Steps''and his co-worker would end up in handcuffs. The nest, opened four years ago and settled with the City of Rognano, and 'was seized and closed, the teachers are arrested and put under house arrest.


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