Monday, February 21, 2011

Internal Usb Header Card

February gurus, the great illusionist

I wonder if there is a connection from February, masks and illusion. Never before at this time I see people getting lost in the maze of appearance.
known as The carnival masks do not need another for some time to exorcise the fears, insecurities, and death.
I will be "born wrong" but the carnival for me, is one of the "parties" the saddest.
We do a process using the "old woman" or witch at this time! The old woman, are attributed to all the misdeeds of the year, listed strictly by a sort of court that inevitably the condemnation to the stake! But not before having made a mockery of all present, heartfelt in its defense.
And once again, the fire "cleansing" to intervene in bringing about the harvest, burning symbolically "what is old and unhealthy."

How much hypocrisy in the carnival, how little desire to celebrate in the midst of all the pain and the blood is flowing in these days. How much fun pretending!
In my opinion, at this time, you should just avoid a couple of things:
-that others will put on "masks" that do not belong to us, sviandoci from what we want to achieve;
-drag us into the errors and the lies of others. You can not help those people who knowingly continue to repeat the same mistakes. They must understand that they live in the illusion.
masks, are comfortable, but sooner or later fall.



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